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Apr, 2023

sat08Apr8:00 pm9:00 pmMass from St Isidore’s Catholic ChurchEaster Vigil (Holy Saturday)8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Organiser: St Isidore's Catholic Church Event Type:ReligiousAudience:Adult,Children,Teen,Under 5

Event Details

As from Monday 4th April, it is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering whilst at Mass, or in the church for any purpose. You may choose to continue to wear a face covering, but this is each person’s preference and not mandatory. We are still required to sanitise our hands before entering or exiting the church.  


(Saturday) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


St Isidore's Catholic ChurchSt Isidore's Catholic Church was founded in 1937 and serves the smallest Catholic population of all the parishes in the Diocese of Motherwell; yet it is the largest in area.frdoyle@rcdom.org.uk

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